Marketing Junto

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Marketing Junto | Being Humble Is An Art Form

Marketing Junto | Being Humble Is An Art Form My Take I've interviewed lots of people both as a journalist and as a podcaster. I've noticed something... being humble is an art form. Some of the
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Marketing Junto | Democracy Dying Due To Paywalls?

Marketing Junto | Democracy Dying Due To Paywalls? In a recent piece on Poynter, a journalism training organization and think tank of sorts, addressed a clear and possibly present danger to our
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Marketing Junto | A Thought About Musk And Twitter

Marketing Junto | A Thought About Musk And Twitter It's the gossip gift that keeps on giving. Elon Musk has said he's not buying Twitter. A collective sigh of relief is emitted from the social
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Marketing Junto | Invest In Yourself

Marketing Junto | Invest In Yourself I've been quite busy with new client work here at Goldstein Media. I feel very fortunate to have this work coming in. Thursday, last week, as I was working on
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Marketing Junto | Like In Most Things You Get The Quality You Pay For

Marketing Junto | Like With Most Things, In Digital Marketing You Get What You Pay For For the life of me I will never understand people who go for the cheapest option for their digital marketing and
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Marketing Junto | Why There Should Be Humanity In Marketing

Marketing Junto | Why There Should Be Humanity In Marketing I was on a call earlier with a client. He was having trouble with his ads and appealing to his target marketing to download a free eBook. One
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Marketing Junto | The Power Of Twitter

Marketing Junto | The Power Of Twitter The power of Twitter lies not in who owns it but the discourse and information sharing that occurs on it. For marketers of all kinds, this is extremely valuable.
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Marketing Junto | Alternatives To Big Tech

Read online Marketing Junto | Alternatives To Big Tech Editorial Note: I've decided to move Marketing Junto back into the fold with Goldstein Media. So it will no longer be hosted at MarketingJunto
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Marketing Junto | Alternatives To Big Tech

Read online Marketing Junto | Twitter Should be Federated Photo by Souvik Banerjee on Unsplash The saga of Twitter keeps getting more and more interesting with the potential acquisition of the social
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Marketing Junto | Digital Summit Philadelphia Take-Aways

For the past two days I was a the Digital Summit in beautiful Philadelphia. It was jam-packed with amazing sessions and great networking. Many of the leading marketing brands and speakers spoke and
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Marketing Junto | The Future Of Social Media

Marketing Junto | The Future Of Social Media The future of social media is uncertain at best. This has only been more true since Elon Musk's attempts at buying Twitter. Right now that's in
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Marketing Junto | The Economy

Marketing Junto | The Economy It's a scary time out there right now. Inflation is up, although nowhere like it was in the 1980s and 1990s. The tech industry is going through an adjustment period
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Twitter... Need I Say More?

So he did it. Elon Musk has bought Twitter for about $44 billion. He's using excuse of free speech for buying it. There is now a mass exodus to the fediverse and to services like Mastodon of former
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In Person vs. Virtual vs. Hybrid Events

As the pandemic morphs into an endemic and a nuisance above all else, events are starting to go back in-person. Does this mean the end of the virtual event? Heck no! I see virtual events staying for
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If You're In An Industry You Should Participate In It As Well

Evo Terra, the hall of fame podcaster, in one of his latest Podcast Pontification episodes, has called out to those working in podcast related businesses they should have a podcast of their own if they
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The Business Of News Is Changing. Enter Personal Branding.

The business of news is changing with every advance on the Web. Younger journalists are not flooding the newsroom like they used to. Many are striking out on their own and using digital marketing
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Making Newsletters Into A Platform... A Good Thing?

I've been intrigued with the online newsletter for sometime now. When I went to the University of Delaware where I joined their journalism program and then was a professional journalist for six
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Digital Marketing Giving Back To The Communities Around Them

Last Wednesday and Thursday, I attended SeerFest, an online 2-day conference put on by Seer Interactive, a digital marketing and SEO agency in with offices in Philadelphia, San Diego, as well as remote
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The Bridge Between The Pandemic And The New Normal (the hosted version of the WordPress open source project) sent a newsletter with a writing prompt for this month. It was more of a word. The word was bridge. At first I shrugged it off
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Mental Health And Remote Work

The twice a year WordFest festival happened online this past Friday. It was organized by Big Orange Heart, an online mental health and support community for remote workers. WordFest is a 24-hour